What we work?

CCCM Sectore : 

Our Projects :

Monitoring and Assessment Team  (2018-2023 )

This project fostered the IOM on needs-based and timely interventions in NWS by providing high quality, real-time, and accurate data directly from IDP Sites all around the region.

  • The main activities are the reporting  and verification of incidents that divert between Fıre, Wind, Flood, Shilling, Mine and others.
  • Coordination with the response team from different sectors to cover the needs
  • In addition to the report of family or camp distress calls .
  • Finding /studying many sites and drawing topographical and aerial maps, groundwater and winds… These sites have been determined and the ownership of the land has been verified. This information has been shared with  CCCM and SNFI clusters.
  • Conducting research and special studies in thousands of  camps to find out specific information about each camp.

Site Motoring Team Project with UNHCR ( 2018-2023 )

In the partnership with UNHCR Muzun’s team consist of many enumerators, enumerator assistants and field data collector in addition to 2 Team leaders distributed at the district level across Idleb and Aleppo.The Main Activities :

  • Tracking IDP movements reported to the CCCM Cluster through  IDP tracking tool  
  • Register new sites as well, Data collection on informal sites, including identification of sites to be added to ISIMM and creation of a database of informal sites that cannot be added to ISIMM but eligible for life-saving assistance.
  • Ad-hoc surveys to inform the CCCM Response, including rapid needs and damage assessments.
  • Incidents and responses follow up.

Management and Coordination of multisectoral assistance for displaced persons affected by the earthquake in Five Reception Centers Aleppo and Idleb: 2023

MHD aims to provide and coordinate of multisector assistance to vulnerable displaced, people due to the earthquake 5 RCs in Northwest Syria
Three of the camps are in Idleb (  Almaleeb -Souq Alhal- Hadekat Alqaser ) and two of them in Aleppo/ Sharan ( Muzun 1 and Muzun 2) .

 Activity 1:

Implementation of site management activities, including reception, registration, data collection, vulnerability mapping, maintenance of gender-balanced and inclusive camp governance, regular information sharing, awareness raising on AAP mechanism, ensuring of camp population safety, promoting of community participation.

Activity 2:

Coordination of the multi-sectoral assistance through other sectors partners (food, health services, protection, non-food items).

Activity 3:
Implementation of regular care and maintenance to RCs through light infrastructure repairs of lighting poles, water taps, latrines, and other prioritized needs by RCs residents.
Activity 4:
Carry out multipurpose cash assistance among the registered households in month three to encourage them to leave the reception centers. 
5 RCs
4 Activities

The Integrated emergency response for most venerable IDPs in NW Syria -2023 

MHD aims through this intervention to save lives, foster safety in IDP sites, and strengthen access to key institutions and services through implementing CCCM activities in both Aleppo and Idleb Governorates by taking into consideration the different needs of men, women, boys, and girls, in addition, special needs of disabled people in all the project activities.
  • Establishing  Fire points
  • Provide points with fire materials and first kits
  • Re-filling Fire Extinguisher
  • Train the targeted camp committees on Fire prevention and Fire mitigation measures.
  • Awareness raising and sessions in 48 camps and 14 Sub-district in Idleb and Aleppo Governorates as follows (Afrin, Azaz , Aghtrin, Suran , Jarablus, Salqin , Al-Bab , Harim, Maaret tamarin , Dana , Armanaz , Darkoush , Janudiyeh and Idleb )
48 Camps
14 Sub-District

Camp Coordination and Camp Management : 

Site Monitoring Team Project leaded by CCCM Cluster and IOM. The teams are consisted of 20 field staff, 2 team leaders and 18 field assistants. The main objective of the Teams is to establish a reporting channels between IDP sites and CCCM Cluster and IOM to regularly monitoring the IDP situation. The teams are functioning in the OAGs-held parts of Idleb and Aleppo governorates.

20 field staff
2 team leaders