Shelter & NFIs

What we work?

Shelter & NFIs:

Response to the 2023 Türkiye and Syria earthquake:

Between February 6, 2023 – and February 6, 2024, a year ago.
After the earthquake of February 6, 2023. It was a year full of pain, hope, and work.
MUZUN did its best to extend a helping hand to the affected families.

2,500 خيمة
3,000 سرير نوم
5,000 كيس نوم
1,200 غطاء بلاستيكي
15,000 بطانية
4,200 حصة غير غذائية
50,000 ملابس و أحذية
6,000 مراتب نوم
Shelter & NFIs:

MHD had distributed NFI kits, clothes, heater in Idlib and Aleppo Governorates  in more than thirty locations for new displacements people ( 42,000 families) including women , men, elderly people, children, the  total number of beneficiaries  was about  250,000 persons .Also MHD had distributed clothes to 50,000 IDPs and heater to 950 Families

In another hand, MHD had replaced 498 tents •The project came as an emergency response to flood damage in November 2018  in the camps north of Idlib. Also MHD replaced 222 tents as emergency response to Marrat Alnuman displacement in 2019.

In addition, MHD distributed and isolated 243 tents in 7 camps as an emergency project to respond to the damage caused by armed clashes in northern Idlib and Hama, which led to a large wave of displacement of the local population in that area.

Family 45000
Beneficiaries 250000

2019 SNFIs Projects

Distribution of NFI, (Full – Essential) & CLOTHING PROJECTS:

he total of beneficiaries is 123,201 in Idlib and  31,746 in Aleppo.  

In the first half of 2019   Muzun targeted  70,457 beneficiaries. 

6 location in Idlib  (Maaret Elekhwan ,Babuline, Kafrsajna ,Maar Tahroma, Harim and Salqin ) in Idlib, and 3 location in Aleppo ( Jarablus, zerbah and Afrin ). 

Muzun distrusted -through last two months of 2019-, 46,500 items ( 27,000 NF items and 19,500 clothing kits) in 8 locations. ( Harim, Salqeen, Kafr Drean, Eskat, Kafr Houm , Qaleb Louza, Bararem Abi Alfedda Camp. ) 

Total of beneficiaries

Idlib 123201
Aleppo 31746

The project came as an emergency project to respond to the damage caused by armed clashes in northern Idlib and Hama, which led to a large wave of displacement of the local population in that area. 

Muzun distributed 243 NFI kits as well as the isolation of 243 tents  coordination with CCCM cluster and IOM in 7 camps. ( Alaman, Alazrak, Alfarhan,Almadena Almonawara, Alwadi, Dlamaa, Kademoon )  

NFI kits 243
tents coordination 243

2018 SNFIs Projects

Distribution of NFI, (Full – Essential) & CLOTHING PROJECTS:

A total of 54,856 individuals had benefited from Muzun projects during 2018.  

The distribution areas included Aleppo and Idleb Governorates. The number of beneficiary families in Aleppo 3115 and the number of individuals 15204. The Number of beneficiary families in Idlib is 4432 and the number of individuals is 22925

  For Clothing, Muzun provided 1370 families (6365 Beneficiary) in Aleppo and 425 families (2266 beneficiary) in Idlib 

Muzun distributed 900 Kerosine Heater in three various locations (Samedon camp. – Aedson camp. – Kademon camp.) in Northern Idlib countryside 

number of beneficiary

families in Aleppo 3115
families in Idlib 4432

The project came as an emergency response to flood damage in November in the camps north of Idlib. Muzun had replace 243 tents which affected completely.