Last Activiites

Last Activiites

MHD Activiites

Non-food storage project

Because we are part of the humanitarian response and we always strive to support humanitarian work, we work within the warehouse project, to store non-food items, clothes, tents, personal protection equipment from COVID -19  and emergency supplies, within a series of our warehouses in the governorates of Idlib and Aleppo,

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TOT – training

Based on the importance of raising awareness and applying the principles of protection, Muzun organization has been working since April in both Idlib and Aleppo and within its project on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse to hold training for camp managers, local councils, team leaders, project managers . And 

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Camp management training

For three days, Muzun Organization completed the first phase of camp management training in the Salqin cluster / Taloul camp. The training included 20 participants. The training was followed by the holding of the initial Camp Management Committee elections. This training was carried out in partnership with the Social Development

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response project to the spread of the Corona virus

As part of the response project to the spread of the Corona virus in northwestern Syria. This week, Muzn organization team finished delivering the humanitarian teams operating in Syria – affiliated with 35 organizations – personal protective equipment, taking into account the World Health Organization’s instructions for virus prevention.

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The project was implemented in Aleppo / Jarablus subdistrict. Plastic sheets distribution targeted the displacements who settled in Al-Jabeel 4 and Al-Jabeel 5 camps in Jarablus sub-district. Each of household has been provided with 2 plastic sheets (4m*6 m) to become the total of distributed plastic sheet is 2496 plastic

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