TOT – training

  • Based on the importance of raising awareness and applying the principles of protection, Muzun organization has been working since April in both Idlib and Aleppo and within its project on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse to hold training for camp managers, local councils, team leaders, project managers . And  workshops for humanitarian workers, and awareness sessions for camp residents to help them reach a safe way they can during this period, reporting, submitting complaints, limiting exploitation and preventing any attempt against the displaced.
    These workshops and sessions are provided to both men, women, girls and children, through means that ensure access to all the information they need.
    Among the activities of the project are TOT – training of trainers that are held in the Muzun office hall in Idlib in a safe environment in which all means of hygiene and sterilization are available, and within the recommendations of the protection cluster for the prevention of the Covied-19.”